These web pages were built for Algerian middle school teachers, students, and parents who want to use the Extra School Sessions contents as inspiration for teaching English as a second language.

This website focuses on apps and mobile devices that educators can use outside the classroom, as well as strategies to integrate them successfully. we provide educational presentations on topics related to national lesson plans and curriculum.

Laptops, Tablets, and Mobile devices are changing how students learn outside the classroom, and English teachers need to be aware of how to integrate them properly with our lesson plans and curriculum.

Primary and middle school-aged children are naturally curious about the world around them. They love to discover,  explore and play, in fact, that’s how they learn.

Today, most teenagers are already familiar with smartphones and tablets. By helping them understand how to use these amazing digital tools to learn and create, rather than just consume information, we are equipping them for their future education.

On this page both teachers and learners can download courses and quizzes as PDF files. They can also get BEM exams samples.